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Monthly archive: May 2024

Dr. Cara Cochran Appointed Dean of the School of Counseling

With a long history as an administrator in higher education, including serving as the Assistant then Associate Dean of the School of Counseling at Richmont for 6 years and as Dean of the School of Counseling under a two-year appointment, Dr. Josh Rice has appointedDr. Cara Cochranas theDean of the School of Counseling.

“Working with the faculty and staff of Richmonts School of Counseling for the last two years has been an incredibly rewarding professional experience. Richmonts faculty and staff are a community. In the role of dean, I have the opportunity to see each member of this community excel in doing the work for which they are so exceptionally gifted. I am grateful, every day, to have the opportunity to serve alongside the Richmont community,”Cochran remarks.

“It has been a joy to work closely with Dr. Cochran over the last two years in building and leading the faculty. During this season of growth, Dr. Cochran has demonstrated constant poise and administrative acumen that has benefitted our faculty, students, and staff. I am happy that she has accepted this permanent role, particularly as we have major strategic plan initiatives in the school of counseling over the next two years, says Rice.
Congratulations, Dr. Cochran!

Richmonts President Receives Inaugural Sharp Leadership Award

President Timothy Quinnan was honored by receiving the inaugural Sharp Leadership Award at the 2024 Commencement ceremony. Trustee Tom Decosimo of Chattanooga and Board Chair Ann Keller of Atlanta jointly sponsored this new award to recognize extraordinary leadership contributions which leave an indelible mark in the Parade of Providence that defines Richmont.

The title of this new award, Sharp, refers to the multi-generational impact of both the Sharp and Gillespie families who have been instrumental to the Universitys longevity and success. Given their legacy, it is only fitting that the Sharp name was used to celebrate todays leaders whose 圬etermination and ability to accomplish the seemingly impossible enable Richmont to flourish.

In acknowledging the award, Dr. Quinnan stated that Serving at Richmont these last seven years has been the most exhilarating of my career. Its a privilege I never take for granted and thank the Lord for every day. He arrived in 2017 and has led the University to record levels of enrollment, fund-raising, external grant awards, governmental recognition, and academic excellence. Dr. Quinnan also authored the Universitys strategic plans, launched a thriving online degree program, added the first doctoral program in school history, and secured gold-standard recognition for Richmont by both state, accreditation agency, and profession-specific licensing boards.

Christian Integration: Two Things That Never Should’ve Been Separated with Dr. Gary Moon

Join Dr. Preston Hill and Dr. Cara Cochran as they delve into the past, experience the present, and consider the future of Christian Integration with Dr. Gary Moon.