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Monthly archive: April 2024

Dr. Gary Moon and Dr. Preston Hill Contribute New Essays on Clinical Theology with The Martin Institute at Westmont College

All theology should be clinical theology. That is the phrase Dallas Willard spoke at a conference back in the early 1990s. And it is the phrase that is inspiring the creation of the clinical theology section of Conversatio Divina.

Dr. Preston Hill published an essay, Therapeutic Theology: Doctrines that Catalyze Human Flourishing, making a compelling case that, ultimately, theology should actively be shaped by lived experience and aimed at experiences of flourishing in sacred friendship. And he makes the bold claim that Jesus was the first therapeutic theologian.

In another essay, Two Sides of Psychologys Normal Curve: Love and Fear, Dr. Gary Moon takes inspiration from Bonos autobiography, Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story, and the poet Michael Leunig, to suggest that the primary two human states are love and fear. He then discusses some of the implications of these two notesso divergent that they cannot be played at the same timeto human flourishing.

Richmont Faculty & Students Present at the Annual CAPS Conference

Richmont Faculty & Students Present at the Annual CAPS Conference
Hundreds of Christian mental health professionals gathered in Atlanta on March 21-23, 2024 for the Christian Association of Psychological Studies Conference. Richmont’s faculty, Dr. Kathleen Bazile, Dr. Amanda Blackburn, Dr. Robert Duckworth, Dr. Preston Hill, Dr. Stan Hoover, and Dr. Mary Plisco attended the conference along with Richmont staff members Cassie Martin, Rochelle Mason, and Michelle West, and student presenters Hope Tuttle, Grace Rapp, and Abigail Guadnola.



And They Wrote a Devotion Instead: Enhancing Experiential Integration in Counselor Education and Group Supervision
Dr. Amanda Blackburn, Dr. Stanley Hoover, Dr. Mary Plisco, and Hope Tuttle

Deconstructed Lectio Divina: An Intervention to Increase Spiritual Meaning-Making Among Religious Dones
Dr. Preston Hill

Illuminating the Path: Integrating Spiritual and Religious Competencies in Clinical Training
Dr. Kathleen Bazile, Dr. Amanda Blackburn, & Dr. DeVon Mills.

Perspectives Regarding Motivations for Adoption by Ethnic Minority Christian Adoptive Parents
Grace Rapp, Mentored by Dr. Mary Plisco

Religious/Spiritual Abuse and Trauma: Areas of Consideration for Future Research, Therapeutic Assessment, andProgram Evaluation
Abigail Guadnola, Mentored by Dr. Mary Plisco

The Online Modality with Dr. Stanley Hoover

Join hosts Peter Brindley and Devin Pritchett as they chat with Dr. Stanley Hoover, Assistant Dean of the School of Counseling about Richmont’s growing online Clinical Mental Health Counseling modality, telemental health, and online learning across the board.

Introducing Devin Pritchett

Peter Brindley welcomes Devin Pritchett, the new co-host to Richmont To Go, a 51勛圖厙 Podcast.