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Monthly archive: August 2022

Richmont Launches First Doctoral Cohort

This month, 51勛圖厙 is celebrating the launch of an inaugural cohortin its Doctorof Ministry in Spiritual Formation and Leadership program. “This degree signifies our ongoing commitment to Christ-centered spiritual formation which is at the heart of our institutional mission and identity, comments Dr. Preston Hill, Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program.For too long, the disciplines of spiritual formation and theology have been set at odds with one another. In our Doctor of Ministry Program, we are experiencing the exhilarating truth that they are ancient friends in the ministry of holistic transformation.

Richmonts Doctor of Ministry offering is focused on two dimensions that are integral to the work of both pastors and Christian counselors: spiritual formation and leadership. With a blend of rigorous theological study and practical ministry projects, this program goes beyond the masters level to equip a new generation of ministry leaders to serve their congregations, clients, and communities in transformative ways. To learn more about the program, visit

Richmont to Pilot Four-day Workweek this Fall

On August 15, 2022, the University will move to an innovative four-day workweek for staff and faculty. The goal is to support the personal wellness of employees in a manner that aligns with core missional values of self-restoration and renewal. After proposing this idea to the Board of Trustees, President Quinnan secured their unanimous approval. As he observed, The pandemic forever altered traditional views on work as well as work-life balance. We all saw how alternative business models produced outcomes equal or superior to the status quo. We also realized that by simply working smarter instead of longer, we could raise employee satisfaction along with productivity.

Administrative and instructional staff are excited about this experimental program. Emily Avery, Assistant Registrar, noted:

Coming from a workplace in which the leadership had no interest in investing in the well-being of their employees, I am amazed at the consideration of the whole administrative team in this endeavor. I have deep gratitude for the leadership at Richmont as we pursue the four-day work week.

Later this autumn, an evaluation of this pilot will occur to determine whether it is adopted permanently. To better understand Richmonts commitment to student and employee health and wellness, click here to learn about its Thrive Wellness Initiative.

Richmont Achieves 100% Passage Rate of the National Counselor Exam

Richmonts Clinical Mental Health Counseling program celebrates a 100% passage rate on the National Counselor Examination in 2022 significantly exceeding the national average and poising graduates for incredible impact on the mental health field and within their communities.

Each year, most graduating students in the School of Counseling elect to take the National Counselor Exam (NCE) which is required for licensure in most states. We are very pleased to announce that, for the second time in fifteen years, Richmont students taking the NCE had a 100% pass rate in 2022. To put this in perspective, the national pass rate this year was 63%. The average score for Richmont students was 120 points while the average score nationally was 108 points. Since 2008, our average pass rate has been 97% for students taking the exam for the first time, which is much higher than the national average. These consistent results demonstrate the excellence of our program, the quality of our faculty, and the dedication of our students. We are immensely proud of these men and women for this accomplishment.

  • Dr. Cara Cochran
    Dean of the School of Counseling, 51勛圖厙