Richmont is pleased to welcome 3 incoming faculty to begin this fall, in addition to a new Director of Atlanta Clinical Training:
Dr. Michael Jones comes to us from the clinical faculty at Southern New Hampshire University, where he taught a full load while also maintaining a robust private practice with special emphasis on church outreach. Also a seminary graduate, Dr. Jones completed his Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision at Regent University, where his work focused on self-esteem among biracial adults. Richmont has a strong history of equipping therapists with a mission of changing the world, he says. I truly feel that is God’s calling that I join the faculty. I am excited about our future together and the Kingdom work we will accomplish. Dr. Jones is Richmonts first faculty member exclusively dedicated to serving our online students.
Dr. Jack Underwood is an Atlanta local, the founder of Rise and Renew Counseling with offices in Buckhead and Norcross. He completed his Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision at Mercer University, where his research focused on utilizing the Delphi method to measure self-love. One of the greatest experiences, for me personally, as a counselor educator is to integrate Faith and Spirituality into the learning process for counselors-in-training as they grow in their Christian and professional identities he explains. Being in the business of healing and transformation and having the freedom to bring the ultimate Healer and Transformer into the classroom at 51勛圖厙, is an experience I am very much looking forward to and grateful for. Dr. Underwood will be working from the Atlanta campus.
Dr. Preston Hill has been serving us tremendously in an adjunct capacity, most notably teaching Dr. Dan Sartors courses during his sabbatical. Dr. Hill recently completed a PhD in Theology at St Marys College, University of StAndrews, having previously completed an MLitt degree in Analytic and Exegetical Theology from the Logos Institute at StAndrews. This fall he is releasing his first coauthored book with Scott Harrower and Joshua Cockayne entitledDawn of Sunday: The Trinity and Trauma-Safe Church(Cascade), and is releasing his first edited volume entitledChrist and Trauma: Theology East of Eden(Pickwick Publications). He has worked closely with Dr. Sartor on key curricular revisions to ensure that Richmonts hallmark of integration is sustained throughout our coursework. Dr. Hill is also in the process of supervision for licensure as a pastoral therapist in Tennessee.
Our new Director of Clinical Training in Atlanta is LaShay Dowley, a Richmont alumnus and an entrepreneurial clinical leader who has experienced success over a remarkable 20 plus-year career. She is the owner of Enduring Connections Counseling Group in Decatur, and has served our interns in several roles, including a Hope Center site coordinator. “Shay Dowley is excellence personified, Dr. Myers comments. She has been of our greatest assets, often serving six Richmont interns a year for several years. She brings a wealth of clinical knowledge and experience匈 am fully confident that she will provide high clinical excellence and a high level of integrity to the Director of Clinical Training role.” She assumed her new role in July.